12 August 2008

Waugh Watch, Revisited

Caroline, intrepid library page, is pleased to report that the crisis has been averted. After an adventure filled three weeks, the Evelyn Waugh craze appears to be over. Yay! Only one copy of Brideshead Revisited appeared today, and a quick shelf check in the stacks shows that the shelf housing Mr. Waugh's collection is once more reasonably full. It has been an interesting three weeks or so. Chief among the interesting facts that have been learned in the midst of the mayhem is that Evelyn Waugh's first wife was also, apparently, named Evelyn. Their friends called them "He-Evelyn" and "She-Evelyn." I don't know whether this is cute or scary. I guess the moral of the story is "Don't name your male child Evelyn if you can help it."

In other exciting library news, a very exciting landmark in my countdown to Greece has been reached- today is the first day when three-week books are due back after I have left. That's right! If you checked a book out of the library today, and your library has a three week loan period, it is due back on September 2nd. The time truly grows short, my friends.

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