07 August 2008

This Week on Waugh Watch...

A patron is mysteriously excited to read a classic novel. Caroline helps them to track down a book. Conveniently, three copies have just been sent down from Tech Services, and are sitting on the new fiction shelf at the circulation desk.

A mystery is discovered (rediscovered? thought about again?) when Caroline, intrepid library page, goes to shelve the fiction section, authors' last names K-W.

And Caroline, our heroine, tries in vain to piece together what is going on.

In all seriousness, though, what is up with the sudden popularity of Evelyn Waugh? Honestly, we can't keep the man's books on the shelves, which is pretty unusual for an author who wrote years ago and hasn't been shown on Oprah and doesn't write thrillers or romances or mystery novels. Also suddenly popular are Kurt Vonnegut and Dorothy L. Sayers. Go figure.

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