01 August 2008

The Countdown Continues

In exactly one month, I will be in Athens. Yay! To celebrate, here is a picture of Mount Lykavittos, which is the big hill in Athens which is not the Acropolis. I am very excited.

In other exciting news, I have solved something of a personal mystery. You know how I listened to one of P.G. Wodehouse's books on tape in 8th grade, and could never remember the title, and could only remember that the plot involved meddlesome aunts, unwanted fiances, and disapproving elders, stealing things, and Jeeves' schemes, which, let's face it, describes 95% of the Jeeves books? And how I was pretty sure it wasn't Code of the Woosters, which seemed like the closest match everyone could come up with?

Ha ha, I have found it out! And I was right, it wasn't Code of the Woosters. It was, in fact, Aunts Aren't Gentlemen, which I think most people can agree is a funny place to start reading Wodehouse. But, err, mystery solved?

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