17 August 2008

Knitting, With Pictures

I've just finished (whereby finished I mean "cast off and am now blocking") the " Lace Ribbon Scarf" over at knitty. This here is a photograph. It was my first foray into lace in recent memory, and I think that, other than some unfortunate mishaps, it came out rather well. (For example, some of you extremely observant people will probably notice that I did six eyelets on each side instead of five. Oops.) I also knit it with thicker yarn and on bigger needles than were called for, but all in all I think it turned out quite well. Also, to my surprise, I enjoyed it quite a lot. My memories of lace knitting mostly were unpleasant and involved a lot of staring at charts, muttering unpleasantly. This was a really easy repeat to memorize, so it ended up being pretty mindless. Now, I'm just waiting for it to dry...


Anonymous said...

Aww, pretty! Glad you enjoyed the lace. You really ought to get an account on Ravelry, I think you'd like it. (Plus that's where all my pictures are.)

I'm halfway done with the baby blanket (seaming and everything!)

Caroline said...

Ooh, exciting! I do intend to get an account on Ravelry, I just haven't gotten to it quite yet.