25 August 2008

The Ordeal of Waugh Watch

It's back! When I checked the fiction shelf at approximately 4:30 this afternoon, there were copies of Scoop, Vile Bodies, Put Out More Flags, Unconditional Surrender, and three copies of Brideshead Revisited. I guess the patrons, probably acting according to the hive mind, decided to go Waugh-crazy again. Note the three copies of Brideshead Revisited. Three. This is what leads me to believe that it was multiple patrons, not just one.

And, since this subject doesn't appear to be as obvious as I had always thought it was...

A Library Page's Guide to What Does Not Constitute Proper ID

1. Your cell phone
2. Your iPod
3. Your mp3 player
4. Any electronics of any sort
5. Expired library cards that no longer are connected to an actual record in the system
6. Library cards from out of state that don't have your name on them
7. Your name written on a piece of paper
8. Your name written on your hand
9. Your name written on someone else's hand
10. Monogrammed pens and pencils
11. Your library card number written on a piece of paper
12. Your promise that you are who you say you are
13. Your friend's promise that you are who you say you are
14. Your promise that you are who your friend says you are
15. Your friend's promise that you are who your friend says you are
16. Pieces of mail addressed not to you but to "current resident"

Got it?

Feel free to print this out and carry it with you at all times, if necessary.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you. This was incredibly useful, as I have a tendency to go to libraries and bring a friend rather than my driver's license. Friends just fit better in my purse.

I miss you.