15 June 2008

The Cape of Doom, part 2

It's been chilly out, and so I've worked more on the knitting project du jour. Specifically, I finished the first big band and am now about halfway (ok, a bit less than half, but it's close) up the back of the main body of the cape (ie, if you discount the borders.) It's actually getting easier as I go up- I think I'm remembering how to do colorwork, which I hadn't done in a while- but it's getting much wider, which means that every row takes forever.

Back to soccer (because soccer and knitting seem to go together on these posts- perhaps because I knit while we watch the games), what a win for Turkey today! It was very exciting. Granted, the next game is going to be a bit dicey, considering that they don't have a goalie, but still- coming from behind like that in the last few minutes was really, really exciting. Unfortunately, Greece was out as of yesterday, when they lost to Russia.

Anyways, I hope that everyone is having a lovely day, and that those of you who are still in California are warmer than I am now. It's really chilly!

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