26 December 2008

Adventures at the Pnyx!

One of the most important bodies of the Athenian democracy was the ekklesia, the assembly of citizens who decided on matters of legislation and made many decisions for Athens. All citizen males over the age of 18- from all four Solonic property classes- could participate in the assembly, and it had a quorum of 6,000, so you can imagine that it was a very large body, and that they needed a pretty big place to meet. That place was the Pnyx. Josh, Christine and I were very excited to be there! We went there for my archaeology class and needed proof that we had been in attendance.
The Pnyx is located pretty near the Acropolis, and consists mostly of a big grassy area and the bema. It affords a nice view of the city- here is the view looking out towards the city of today, with Lycavitos to the right of the picture.
Christine is still excited to be there!
The bema, or speaker's platform. One of the cool things about the Athenian democracy was that anyone could speak at the assembly. (Given that they were a male citizen over the age of 18. You need to get used to that when dealing with the Athenian democracy.)

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