28 September 2008

Puppies at Knossos!

Note: I have a ridiculous number of things to say about Crete, and I don't want my stories to be boring because I'm rushing through them. I'm posting pictures for now- explanations and stories will be coming soon! So, our first stop on our trip was Knossos, a palace built by the Minoans, and basically the best part of this part of the trip was the puppies. They were very cute. And probably the most spoiled puppies ever, since every one of the thousands of tourists had to stop and pet the puppies.
Ok, to be fair, it is a cool place. This is a segment of a room that was probably a shrine of some sort, and it's all original- the rocks, the mud between the rocks, etc. In the more remote places, you can sort of hang out and appreciate how amazing this must have been when it was still in use, 3,000+ years ago.
Much of the site has been heavily restored, which is both cool and not cool. I think it's really good for people who don't have a background in archaeology, because it means they can see what it might have looked like a bit better. But it is an interpretation, and I for one would prefer to see the site and think for myself rather than see a bunch of columns they've painted red. Look! Isn't this way cooler than some painted column? It's an ancient hole for a door hinge! I would rather just chill around the site and see things like this and imagine Knossos for myself.

Also, it was just really, really crowded. And hot. On the whole, I would say that Knossos was underwhelming- still cool, but by far the least cool of the archaeological sites I went to.

Especially since this site didn't involve any breaking and entering.

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