07 September 2008

America May Run On Dunkin' Donuts, But Greece Runs on Frappe

Which is not to be confused with a frappe of New England origin, which is what the rest of the country calls a milkshake. A Greek frappe is a coffee drink made, I believe, with instant coffee, probably NesCafe, which does appear to be the official coffee of Greece, cold water, and milk and sugar, if you so order it. It's special. You order one and it comes with a glass of water and a table which you get for an infinite amount of time- nobody rushes you to leave, and everyone here drinks their coffee extremely slowly.
I went to the National Gardens this morning and had a frappe there with a group of people from my apartment. Reactions were mixed- some people were enchanted, some people not so much. I was in the not so much camp. I'm also still jittery now, multiple hours later.
For those of you interested in the technical aspects of the frappe, I am directing you to the wikipedia article on the subject, which I just attempted to read and found to be extremely technical. I'm going to go back to my extremely technical article that I should be reading about the concept of citizenship in ancient Athens.

1 comment:

Amanda said...


Greece sounds fantastic. I've got to say, I'm a little jealous.

