01 September 2008

In Which Caroline is in Athens, Finally

I trust that everyone recongizes this picture- it is, in fact, a picture of the Acropolis. This is lovely. You have probably seen it about a million times. You have probably seen better pictures of it a million times. What is the exciting bit is that I took this picture ten minutes ago, from the balcony of DIKEMES. That's right, everyone. I'm finally here.
This is the view from my apartment, which is in the area of Athens known as Kolonaki. (I'll try to produce a map at some point.) It is a very cute apartment. I am sharing it with one other girl, but we each get our own rooms. My room has a balcony. We also have a charming and quaint (read: small and filled with bizarre machinery) kitchen, an equally tiny bathroom, and a hallway. My door has multiple locks and something which looks vaguely like an ornate ash tray on it. I only got in after half an hour of wiggling various metal items around.
This is the same view, only with the camera angled downwards instead of up. Note the tree item. I am going to assume it is some exotic species native to the region, although in fact I have no clue what it is. I'm still quite charmed. (But then, I was charmed by the Greek graffiti this morning. It was vandalism. In Greek.)And this is the marble stadium, which is, as its name would suggest, a large marble stadium. (It was the site of the 1896 Athens Olympics. It's pretty.) It also is right next door to the academic building, and I have never been so happy to see a marble stadium in my life as when I finally got here after wandering alone and vaguely lost in Athens trying to get here to check in. It was an adventure. I used the approximately 7 phrases of Greek that I know, and my rusty French, and my map reading skills, which are usually good but decrease greatly when I haven't slept for 30+ hours. Essentially, I am having a fabulous time.

Good luck to all my friends and family who have class tomorrow. I hope everyone is well!

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