03 July 2008

In Which Caroline Reads and Various Cats Help

Note: this is what happened when I tried to read in my room this morning.
Why yes, that is Pink sitting behind my computer, threatening to knock things over if I don't pay attention to him right now.
And yes, that is Mr. George, lurking under my desk, also threatening mayhem if I do not pay attention to him in the immediate future.

Essentially, reading in the house of Mahoney can be a difficult task, especially when you are in my room, which is the lair of multiple animals and also a battleground when they are feeling cranky. Which they often are.

While on the subject of cats, today my mom found a book at the library by the name of Kitty Knitting. It has a large number of cat-themed knitting projects in it, which are all very tempting. (Well, not all. But some of them are.) When I have finished with the cape of doom, I think we know what my plans are.

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