05 October 2008

The Corinthian Capital of Polished Society

Acrocorinth is the part of ancient Corinth that was built way up on a very tall hill. I did not have my guidebook by this point- we could only convince half the group to leave us because we volunteered to part with the guidebook- so I did not have it for informational purposes. So in this case we were again forced to rely on our own observations, and what I observed is that acrocorinth is both pretty and high up.
Isn't it really nifty? The stones were like glass, so many people have walked on them.
Chris has found a hole in a rock. We were all flagging by now- we left Athens at 6 in the morning, and pretty much walked around in the sun the entire day.
Looking out over the walls and down into the valley- that's modern Corinth you can see in the distance.
And off into the Peloponnese- this was my first venture on to the penninsula, though I will be back there next weekend when we go to the Argolid.

And that is the end of our Corinthian adventure! Please be proud of me that I have refrained from making any jokes about Ancient Corinth's reputation as a city of ill repute- many were made on the trip.

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