05 October 2008

I Have Brought You From A Barbarous Land to Greece...

Inside the archaeological museum! This was actually a very interesting place, and they had a lot of interesting items there. I particularly liked the inscriptions, as usual. Did you know that all of the different cities in Greece had different alphabets? In fact, the alphabet that we think of as the Greek alphabet is the Ionic alphabet, and was not used in Attica until into the classical period. (This, by the way, is the solution to my earlier epigraphy project. Yay for research!) Corinth had some interesting letters in use until pretty late- qoppa, for example. In fact, the name "Corinthos" was spelled qoppa-omicron-rho-iota-nu-theta-omicron-sigma.
The ancient Roman theater.
Looking out towards Attica. Corinth, we have decided, is an extremely photogenic place.
The ancient theater! As is necessary, we had to act out some scenes from the Medea- unfortunately, they were not photographed with my camera. Also unfortunately, nobody had the presence of mind to bring along a copy of Medea, so we were mostly performing from memory. Looking up to acrocorinth! More in the next post.

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